出生年份: 年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 其它学校
创作年代 | 2013年作 | 尺寸 | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 一画一世界 | |
作品描述 | 时间就是金钱,效率就是生命 空谈误国,实干兴邦 敢为天下先 改革创新是深圳的根,深圳的魂 让城市因热爱读书而受人尊敬 鼓励创新,宽容失败 实现市民文化权利 送人玫瑰,手有余香 深圳,与世界没有距离 来了,就是深圳人 癸巳王宪荣读王京生先生观念的力量后作 深圳十大观念 ^_^Time is money and efficiency is life The country can only thrive because of real actions rather than empty talk Brave to be the pioneer Reform and innovation are the root and soul of Shenzhen Let’s make the city respectful for its passion for reading Innovation should be encouraged,while failure should be forgiven Shenzhen aims to fulfill citizen’s culture privilege You benefit from helping others Shenzhen is globally connected Once you come,you are a Shenzhen citizen By Xianrong Wang after reading Mr. Jingsheng Wang’s The Power of Concepts in 2013 Top Ten Concepts of Shenzhen |
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